

A spark can start a great fire ... even small ideas can be big.

pražský běh se Spiralis - přihlášky do 4.12. 2020

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The Social Academy is a pilot low-threshold training programme for vulnerable people that was inspired by the UK School for Social Entrepreneurs ( Students are provided with a comprehensive, practical and systematic education that lasts eight months. The training allows them to acquire competences and support, and enables them to implement their ideas and plans that will have a positive impact on them and their communities. Students are supported to acquire an entrepreneurial mind-set and a social entrepreneurship approach.

Students develop their business or project ideas under the guidance of trainers, experts and mentors. They work in small groups. Due to the pandemic, training is provided online. Education for students is free of charge. There are four training courses – two in Prague (for mentally ill people and single mothers/women carers) and two in the Ústí region (young people from socially excluded localities and single mothers/women carers). At least 40 people will complete their education. Two regional networks of stakeholders (in Prague and the Ústí region) and a sustainability model will be established.

The Social Academy is based on the EntreComp model (the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework). There are four partners involved in the project – Spiralis, Fokus PrahaDobrovolnické centrum Ústí nad Labem and the British Council. The project is financed by the Active Citizens Fund which is a part of the EEA and Norway Grants scheme.

“The project is being supported by the Committee of Good Will - the Olga Havel Foundation from the Active Citizens Fund. The programme promotes citizens’ active participation in the public life and decision making and builds capacities of civil society organizations. It promotes respect of human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and the respect for human rights including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. Active Citizens Fund came to the Czech Republic in September 2019 with the goal to support CSOs regardless of their size and experience. It is operated by the Open Society Fund Prague, Committee of Good Will - the Olga Havel Foundation and Scout Institute. The Active Citizens Fund is financed from EEA and Norway Grants 2014–2021. With EEA Grants, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway contribute towards a reduction in economic and social disparity and the strengthening of mutual cooperation in Europe. One of the important objectives of the programme is strengthening bilateral cooperation between donor and beneficiary states through financial contributions in specified priority sectors. It supports bilateral relations between the donor states Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein and the Czech Republic.”